CapsLock05Copy of My First Query
    Updated 2021-11-01
    -- QUESTION: How much have you spent on fees?

    -- Use this query to find out how much someone has paid in fees on the Ethereum network.
    -- For demonstration purposes, we've selected a wallet that *may* belong to Snoop Dogg,
    -- who is, among other things, a legendary NFT connoisseur.

    -- The first column tells you how much Snoop has spent in terms of ETH, the second
    -- tells you the same thing in terms of USD.

    -- Copy paste your own wallet address in lines 18 & 19 to find the answer for your wallet!

    date_trunc('week', block_timestamp) as date,
    sum(tx_fee) as total_tx_fees_paid_eth,
    sum(fee_usd) as total_tx_fees_paid_usd
    FROM ethereum.transactions
    from_address = lower('0xce90a7949bb78892f159f428d0dc23a8e3584d75') OR
    to_address = lower('0xce90a7949bb78892f159f428d0dc23a8e3584d75')
    group by 1

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