Chief Active accounts By Exchange By Day by distribution of ABC's held
    Updated 2023-01-26
    -- (iii) active accounts (daily signers) by By Day by distribution of ABC's held or by distribution of sol held.
    -- would be interesting to see the number of wallets that are active across multiple exchanges
    with marketplace as (
    SELECT block_timestamp,
    marketplace as marketplace_label,
    FROM solana.core.fact_nft_sales
    WHERE block_timestamp > '2022-11-20' -- -- real start of exchange art '2021-10-20'

    SELECT date_trunc('day', tx.block_timestamp) as date,
    count(distinct signers[0]) as "Active Wallet"
    FROM marketplace
    JOIN solana.core.fact_transactions as tx
    ON tx.tx_id = marketplace.tx_id
    WHERE date > '2022-11-20' -- real start of exchange art '2021-10-20'
    GROUP BY marketplace_label, date
    ORDER BY date DESC

    -- WITH marketplace_label AS (
    -- SELECT
    -- program_id as program_id_label,
    -- marketplace as marketplace_label,
    -- count(distinct tx_id) as tx_Count
    -- FROM solana.core.fact_nft_sales
    -- WHERE block_timestamp > '2023-01-10' -- real start of exchange art '2021-10-20'
    -- GROUP BY 1,2
    -- ),

    -- traders as (
    Run a query to Download Data