ChiefCopy of Median of total action counts by Stake Pool (I want action counts by volume) i could see if it was a small few participants who unstaked.
    Updated 2022-11-26
    (post_tx_staked_balance/1e9) as post_stake_balance,
    date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as day
    From solana.core.ez_staking_lp_actions
    where day >= CURRENT_DATE -7
    and stake_active = 'True'
    and max(day)
    -- and node_pubkey != (is not paired with the same stake_account)
    group by 1,2,3,4,5
    order by post_stake_balance DESC

    -- can vote account and stake account be the same, what's a node_pubkey verse a stake account_account?
    -- I need the most receent post_stake_balance from each validator and/or stake account or stake_authority
    -- Select *
    -- From solana.core.ez_staking_lp_actions
    -- where tx_id = '3TabzAHLViCcxPv3zqJHf2NM71mat37xcHTossULYHE1JratHX4WZeJTJUG7V3t3jN6ZxiwSqYtsMmbcpB7vZfot'

    -- Select *
    -- From solana.core.ez_staking_lp_actions
    -- where stake_authority != withdraw_authority

    -- with weekly_data as (
    -- select
    -- date_trunc('week',block_timestamp) as date_
    -- ,stake_pool_name
    -- ,case when action like '%deposit%' then 'Inflow' else 'Outflow' end as action_type
    -- -- ,action
    -- ,count(tx_id) as action_count
    -- from solana.core.fact_stake_pool_actions
    -- where 1=1
    Run a query to Download Data