-- forked from mehrancrypto-dxoepq / Untitled Query @ https://flipsidecrypto.xyz/mehrancrypto-dxoepq/q/syZ5DM1MOsHg/untitled-query
with tx1 as (select address , ADDRESS_NAME
from ethereum.core.dim_labels
where label = 'tornado cash'
SELECT block_timestamp::date as daily ,
when daily <'2023-06-11' then 'Before event'
when daily >='2023-06-29' then 'After event' end as type ,
count(DISTINCT ORIGIN_FROM_ADDRESS) as wallets , count(tx_hash) as number
from tx1 A , ethereum.core.fact_event_logs B
where address = B.origin_TO_ADDRESS
and B.block_timestamp >='2023-06-01'
GROUP by 1 , 2