AlgoMint goMint Token Release

    goMint was launched on Algofi, Tinyman, and Pact on March 30th, 2022. goMINT, is the first Algorand-native three-way listing so let's look at the performance of the goMint release between the 3 DEXs. - Show us the volume of ALGOs swapped for goMint by day on each DEX since the token release - Show us the number of swaps and the number of wallets by day by DEX for goMINT/algo swaps in the first week of the token release. - In the first 24 hours of the token release- chart the average swap price in ALGOs for goMint across each DEX(AlgoFi Tinyman Pact). Do we see a higher average price for goMint on any of the DEXes? - Note any other interesting findings between the DEXes related to the release of the goMint and the goMint/algopools, such as volume, number of swaps, or number of wallets swapping.