Crazy_KidCrosschain Anchor 2
    Updated 2022-03-30
    WITH ter AS (SELECT 'Terra' as platform, COUNT(DISTINCT tx_id) as tx_count, sum(deposit_amount) as amount
    FROM anchor.deposits
    WHERE contract_address = 'terra1sepfj7s0aeg5967uxnfk4thzlerrsktkpelm5s' AND date(block_timestamp) between '2022-03-20' and '2022-03-26'),

    ava AS (SELECT 'Avalanche' as platform, COUNT(DISTINCT tx_id) as tx_count, sum(event_attributes:"0_amount"[0]:amount/1000000) as amount
    FROM terra.msg_events
    WHERE tx_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT tx_id FROM terra.msgs WHERE msg_value:contract = 'terra1pw4qm09m256m3wz25n4whnuqck7rcn6wvvjzyj')
    AND event_type = 'transfer' AND tx_status = 'SUCCEEDED'
    AND event_attributes:"3_recipient" = 'terra1sepfj7s0aeg5967uxnfk4thzlerrsktkpelm5s'
    AND date(block_timestamp) between '2022-03-20' and '2022-03-26')

    SELECT * FROM ter
    SELECT * FROM ava
    Run a query to Download Data