Crazy_KidBentobox 1
    Updated 2022-03-22
    WITH eth AS (SELECT 'TVL in Bentobox on Ethereum' as type, sum(amount_usd) as tvl
    FROM ethereum.dex_swaps
    WHERE to_address = '0xf5bce5077908a1b7370b9ae04adc565ebd643966' AND platform = 'sushiswap'
    AND direction = 'IN'),

    polygon AS (SELECT 'TVL in Bentobox on Polygon' as type, sum(amount_usd) as tvl
    FROM polygon.udm_events
    WHERE to_address = '0x0319000133d3ada02600f0875d2cf03d442c3367' AND from_label = 'sushiswap'
    AND amount_usd IS NOT NULL)

    SELECT * FROM eth
    SELECT * FROM polygon
    Run a query to Download Data