27.Algo-LoftyAI Tokenized Real Estate
-- Algorand Q27: LoftyAI is a tokenized real estate platform(https://www.lofty.ai/). -- You can invest in property via tokens distributed by Lofty AI, each being worth $50. -- Rank the properties listed by LoftyAI based on total token investment price. -- (Each property has its own asset created by the address 'LOFTYRITC3QUX6TVQBGT3BARKWAZDEB2TTJWYQMH6YITKNH7IOMWRLC7SA'). -- How many wallets have bought a token for at least one property? -- What wallet has invested in the most Lofty AI properties? -- How many properties are they invested in? -- Tips: The total token investment price is $50 multiplied by the total amount of tokens for the property(Asset_id). -- -Look at the assets with a creator_address = 'LOFTYRITC3QUX6TVQBGT3BARKWAZDEB2TTJWYQMH6YITKNH7IOMWRLC7SA'