CryptoIcicleFlow During Market Downturn - Swap Metrics
    Updated 2022-06-28
    -- Payout 125 USDC
    -- Grand Prize 2000 USDC
    -- Level Advanced

    -- Show us what you can do with this new Optimism data!

    txns as (
    from flow.core.fact_swaps

    block_timestamp::date as date,
    count(distinct trader) as n_users,
    count(distinct tx_id) as swap_frequency,
    sum(n_users) over (order by date asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as cum_n_users,
    sum(swap_frequency) over (order by date asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as cum_swap_frequency
    from txns
    where block_timestamp between '2022-05-01' and '2022-05-30'
    group by date
    Run a query to Download Data