CryptoIcicleMerry $BONK-ing Christmas - Number of Holders
    Updated 2023-12-09
    -- Merry $BONK-ing Christmas
    -- It's still Christmas for Solana's dog coin $BONK — people all over crypto twitter are giving away billions of $BONK tokens,
    -- and its price has risen over 40% in the last day (NFA). Bring the world up to speed on Bonk Inu, with all of our favorite metrics:

    -- Pay by Quality Your score determines your final payout.
    -- Grand Prize 112.5 USDC (A score of 11 or 12 earns you a Grand Prize title)
    -- Payout 75 USDC
    -- Score Multiplier 0-7 : 0% 8 : 50% 9 : 75% 10 : 100% 11 : 125% 12 : 150% Payout Network Ethereum
    -- Level Intermediate
    -- Difficulty Hard
    --SQL Credit

    -- Total # of holders
    -- % of holders that are active wallets
    -- Average amount $bonk in holder wallets
    -- Average time holding bonk
    -- Any other notable trends or outliers you see

    -- Then, give us context! What kinds of Solana users are $bonk holders? How active are they, what other tokens do they tend to hold, etc.
    -- Has Solana activity as a whole risen in conjunction with recent $bonk activity, and how much Solana activity does Bonk Inu account for?
    -- And as always, don't forget to tweet about your dashboard and $bonk, to share your insights with others!

    with airdrop_txns as (
    select distinct tx_to as address, * from
    where tx_from in (
    and mint = 'DezXAZ8z7PnrnRJjz3wXBoRgixCa6xjnB7YaB1pPB263'
    and block_timestamp > '2022-12-24'
    transfers_from as (
    date_trunc('{{date_range}}',block_timestamp) as date,
    tx.tx_from as address,
    Run a query to Download Data