CryptoIcicleTerra-Terra TPS
    Updated 2022-07-07
    -- Solana TPS

    -- Payout 0.38 SOL
    -- Grand Prize 1.14 SOL
    -- Level Beginner

    -- One of Solana's main features is its speed compared to other blockchains.
    -- Blockchain performance is usually measured in Transactions per Second (TPS).
    -- Measure the TPS of Solana in February (non votes) and 'Successful TPS' per day and create a chart showing how TPS has fluctuated during that time period.

    -- Sample Query: Select block_timestamp::date as date, count(_________) From solana.transactions Where block_timestamp::date >='2022-02-01' Group by date

    with tps as (
    block_timestamp::date as date,
    sum(n_txns_secs) as sum_tps,
    avg(n_txns_secs) as avg_tps,
    max(n_txns_secs) as max_tps,
    sum(sum_tps) over (order by date asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as cumulative_sum_tps,
    avg(avg_tps) over (order by date asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as overall_avg_tps,
    max(max_tps) over (order by date asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as overall_max_tps
    count(distinct tx_id) as n_txns_secs
    from terra.transactions
    where block_timestamp >= '2022-05-09'
    and tx_status = 'SUCCEEDED'
    group by block_timestamp
    ) group by date

    select * from tps
    order by date desc

    Run a query to Download Data