CryptoIcicleExchange Flows in the Bear - After Withdrawal Wallet Samples
    Updated 2022-08-13
    -- -- Payout 150 USDC
    -- -- Grand Prize 500 USDC
    -- -- Payout Network Ethereum
    -- -- Level Advanced
    -- -- Difficulty Elite
    -- Let's understand whether the bear market and recent issues with CeFi products have changed centralized exchange users' behavior.
    -- Explore trends in exchange withdrawal (specifically, moving money from CEX addresses onto the chain)
    -- patterns over the last 6 months.
    -- Have those withdrawals increased?
    -- Has the typical size of them changed?
    -- Most important: are people creating new wallets to take custody of their CeFi deposits?
    -- Also have a look at what people do after a withdrawal:
    -- are they holding their withdrawn tokens?
    -- Or are they fiat-on-ramping so they can swap, provide liquidity, buy NFTs, etc.hint:
    -- find centralized exchange addresses in [chainname].core.dim_labels where label_type = 'cex' and label_subtype = 'hot_wallet'

    -- other hint: feel free to include a couple of major chains for this analysis, but certainly at least include Ethereum
    -- NOTE: We will pay out the 10 best submissions for this bounty according to the following:
    -- 1st Prize: 500 USDC
    -- 2nd Prize: 400 USDC
    -- 3rd Prize: 300 USDC
    -- 4-10 Prize: 150 USDC

    with cex_wallets as (
    from {{chainname}}.core.dim_labels
    where label_type = 'cex' and label_subtype = 'hot_wallet'
    transfers as (
    split(w.address_name,' ')[0] as address_name,
    t.origin_to_address as wallet,
    Run a query to Download Data