CryptoIcicleFlow-5.Volume Scoring with NBA Top Shot - Flow
    Updated 2022-06-07
    -- Payout 27.99 FLOW
    -- Grand Prize 83.96 FLOW
    -- Level Intermediate

    -- Q5. NBA Top Shot allows users to buy, sell, and collect NBA NFTs that showcase influential “Moments” minted on the FLOW blockchain.
    -- Create a visualization tracking the total sales volume traded on NBA Top Shot since May 9th by day.
    -- How many unique wallets have made a trade on Top Shot over that timeframe?
    -- How do those metrics compare to sales volume and unique users of Magic Eden on Solana and OpenSea on Ethereum?

    with nft_sales as (
    from flow.core.fact_nft_sales
    where block_timestamp >= '2022-05-09'
    and marketplace ilike 'A.c1e4f4f4c4257510.%'

    block_timestamp::date as date,
    count(distinct tx_id) as n_txns,
    sum(price) as sale_volume,
    count(distinct buyer) as n_wallets_daily,
    (select count(distinct buyer) from nft_sales) as n_wallets_unique
    from nft_sales
    group by date
    Run a query to Download Data