CryptoIcicleSushi-95.Celsius Swaps - Swaps
    Updated 2022-06-19
    -- Payout 49.46 SUSHI
    -- Grand Prize 148.37 SUSHI
    -- Level Beginner

    -- Q95. Find out about the swapping behaviour of Celsius network on both Sushi and Uniswap. Which tokens did they swap the most.
    -- From which one of their wallets did they conduct most of the swaps?

    -- Hint: you can find all addresses belonging to Celsius network by querying this table: flipside_prod_db.crosschain.address_labels

    with wallets as (
    select address
    from crosschain.address_labels
    where address_name = 'celsius wallet'

    date_trunc('month',block_timestamp) as date,
    concat(platform,'::',symbol_in,'-->',symbol_out) as pair,
    sum(amount_in_usd) as swap_volume,
    count(distinct tx_hash) as n_swaps
    from ethereum.core.ez_dex_swaps s
    join wallets w on s.origin_from_address = w.address
    group by 1,2

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