CryptoIcicleOsmo-10.Privacy Coins + Politics
    Updated 2022-06-13
    -- Payout 40.98 OSMO
    -- Grand Prize 122.95 OSMO
    -- Level Beginner

    -- Q10. Do major news events result in more people swapping to SCRT? :Look at the volume of swaps to SCRT over the past three months.
    -- Do periods of high volume swaps into SCRT line up with major international news events? Or is there a pattern in SCRT swap volume?

    block_timestamp::date as date,
    count(distinct tx_id) as n_swaps,
    count(distinct trader) as n_swappers,
    sum(to_amount/pow(10,to_decimal)) as swap_volume
    from osmosis.core.fact_swaps s join osmosis.core.dim_labels l on s.from_currency = l.address
    where to_currency = 'ibc/0954E1C28EB7AF5B72D24F3BC2B47BBB2FDF91BDDFD57B74B99E133AED40972A' -- SCRT
    and block_timestamp >= CURRENT_DATE - 90
    group by date, label
    Run a query to Download Data