CryptoIcicleOsmosis One Year Anniversary
    Updated 2022-06-23
    -- Payout 94.78 OSMO
    -- Grand Prize 284.33 OSMO
    -- Level Intermediate

    -- What did the users who received the initial airdrop of OSMO do with their tokens?
    -- Create a visual that shows how many sold, staked, LPed, swapped, and held.
    -- How many individuals who received the airdrop still hodl their OSMO one year later?

    with airdrop as (
    receiver as wallet,
    sum(amount)/1e6 as airdrop_amount
    from osmosis.core.fact_airdrop
    where currency = 'uosmo'
    group by wallet
    swappers as (
    trader as wallet,
    sum(from_amount)/1e6 as swapped_amount
    from osmosis.core.fact_swaps s join airdrop a on s.trader = a.wallet
    where from_currency = 'uosmo'
    group by trader
    stakers as (
    delegator_address as wallet,
    sum(amount)/1e6 as staked_amount
    from osmosis.core.fact_staking s join airdrop a on s.delegator_address = a.wallet
    where currency = 'uosmo'
    group by delegator_address
    lpers as (
    liquidity_provider_address as wallet,
    sum(amount)/1e6 as lped_amount
    Run a query to Download Data