CryptoIcicleFlow-10.NFT Buying Behavior on Flow - Flipping
    Updated 2022-07-16
    -- NFT Buying Behavior on Flow
    -- Payout 39.84 FLOW
    -- Grand Prize 119.52 FLOW
    -- Level Intermediate

    -- Q10. Create a series of dashboards comparing wallet behavior for buying and selling NFTs on Flow compared to on Ethereum and Solana.
    -- Is there more or less "whale" activity on Flow compared to each of the other chains?
    -- What do "whales" tend to focus on in Flow?
    -- How common is "flipping" on Flow (selling within 24 hrs, within a week etc) compared to other chains, or do wallets tend to hold onto their NFTs?
    -- Are wallets more interested in new projects, or already existing projects on Flow?

    solana_nft_sales as (
    lag(purchaser, 1) ignore nulls over (partition by mint order by block_timestamp asc) as seller,
    lag(block_timestamp, 1) ignore nulls over (partition by mint order by block_timestamp asc) as buy_date,
    block_timestamp as sell_date,
    datediff('day',buy_date,sell_date) as n_days_held
    from solana.core.fact_nft_sales
    where block_timestamp >= '2022-05-09'
    and succeeded = 'TRUE'
    order by mint,block_timestamp
    ethereum_nft_sales as (
    nft_address as mint,
    buyer_address as purchaser,
    lag(buyer_address, 1) ignore nulls over (partition by mint order by block_timestamp asc) as seller,
    lag(block_timestamp, 1) ignore nulls over (partition by mint order by block_timestamp asc) as buy_date,
    block_timestamp as sell_date,
    datediff('day',buy_date,sell_date) as n_days_held
    from ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales
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