CryptoIcicle3- Flow - 3. All-Time Wallets
    Updated 2023-04-11
    -- Track how the Flow blockchains daily active users have evolved over time. What about monthly? All-time wallets?
    -- Recently, we’ve identified some interesting spikes (in both directions) in daily active users.
    --Chart this activity, and try to uncover any reasonable explanations for the results.
    -- Payouts:
    -- Rank amount
    -- 1st place: 350$ in FLOW
    -- 2nd through 20th: 85$ in FLOW

    date_trunc('month', day) as date,
    count(payer) as n_wallets,
    sum(n_wallets) over (order by date asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as total_n_wallets
    from (
    min(block_timestamp) as day,
    from flow.core.fact_transactions
    group by payer
    group by date
    Run a query to Download Data