CryptoIcicleAlgo-101.New Wallets In May - ASA
    Updated 2022-06-14
    -- Payout 122.9 ALGO
    -- Grand Prize 368.71 ALGO
    -- Level Beginner

    -- Q101. How many wallets have a balance greater than 1 ALGO? And how many of those wallets sent or received a transaction in May?
    -- How many new wallets were created in May? What % of total wallets with more than 1 ALGO is this?
    -- Additionally, show the distribution of ALGO holdings for these new wallets. What is the average ALGO holding of these new wallets?
    -- What other ASAs do these new wallets from May hold? How many of these wallets have performed a swap?
    -- Finally, note anything else interesting about these wallets! Why are these wallets being created and what are they doing on Algorand?"

    with wallets as (
    iff(block_timestamp between '2022-05-01' and '2022-05-30', 'may', 'non-may') as creation
    from algorand.account a
    join algorand.block b on a.created_at = b.block_id
    where a.balance > 1
    group by address, creation

    count(distinct w.address) as n_wallets
    from wallets w join flipside_prod_db.algorand.account_asset a on w.address = a.address and w.creation = 'may'
    group by asset_name
    order by n_wallets desc
    limit 100
    Run a query to Download Data