CryptoIcicleEcosystem Entrances - In
    Updated 2022-10-28
    -- Axelar recently launched its native token, AXL, and we're celebrating with some bounties!

    -- Pay by Quality Your score determines your final payout.
    -- Grand Prize 130.435 OSMO (A score of 11 or 12 earns you a Grand Prize title)
    -- Payout 86.957 OSMO
    -- Score Multiplier0-7 : 0% 8 : 50% 9 : 75% 10 : 100% 11 : 125% 12 : 150%
    -- Payout Network Osmosis
    -- Level Intermediate
    -- Difficulty Hard

    -- Welcome to Axelar! What better to way to get used to Axelar data than to analyze how people enter the ecosystem?
    -- With that in mind, analyze the activity that occurs on Axelar's Satellite Bridge.
    -- Since inception, what are the top paths over Satellite. by volume and $ amount?
    -- What is the most used token to transfer (USDC, wETH, wAXL, etc.)?
    -- Top analyses will show bridging activity since inception and analyze how that has changed over time.

    prices as (
    date_trunc('day',recorded_at) as date,
    lower(symbol) as symbol,
    avg(price) as price_usd
    from osmosis.core.dim_prices
    where recorded_at >= '{{start_date}}'
    group by 1,2
    txns as (
    regexp_substr(sender,'[a-zA-Z]+|\d+') as sender_chain,
    regexp_substr(receiver,'[a-zA-Z]+|\d+') as receiver_chain,
    concat(sender_chain,'-->',receiver_chain) as transfer_path,
    lower(split(currency,'-')[0]) as symbol,
    iff(symbol ilike 'u%', substring(symbol, 2, LEN(symbol)), symbol) as sym,
    from axelar.core.fact_transfers t
    where transfer_type = 'IBC_TRANSFER_IN'
    Run a query to Download Data