CryptoIcicleNEAR - 11. Insight of the Week - 1.NFTs
    Updated 2023-02-05
    -- The NEAR Foundation is running an "Insight of the Week" series. Keeping your analysis short and focused on excellent-quality visualization - provide the most fascinating
    -- or illuminating fact or insight that you can about the NEAR ecosystem, or any of the projects building on NEAR, over the past 7 to 14 days.
    -- When you tweet about the insight, don't just describe it - do your best to explain "why" what you chose is unusual, valuable, or noteworthy.
    -- If you're stumped, don't worry - we'll be running this type of bounty again in the future, so feel free to use this as a "test case" to begin thinking creatively and searching out clever insights.
    -- Basis of Payment:
    -- To be eligible for payment.
    -- The submission must be sent before the deadline indicated on the bounty page.
    -- The submission must score a minimum of 6 points according to the Evaluation Criteria.
    -- 💰 Payout
    -- Rank Based Payout
    -- Payout is in NEAR and xMETRIC, where the top eligible scorers are paid the amounts below. The first, second and third place submissions must have a score of 10
    -- or higher to be eligible for higher payout amounts.
    -- If there are not enough eligible submissions for a category, remaining funds will either be paid to lower tier submissions or reserved for future bounty programs.
    -- Final determination of payouts and rankings are at the discretion of the MetricsDAO Bounty Operations Team.
    -- Rank NEAR amount
    -- First place 500 USD worth of NEAR tokens
    -- Second place 300 USD worth of NEAR tokens
    -- Third place 300 USD worth of NEAR tokens
    -- 4th through 22nd place 100 USD worth of NEAR tokens
    -- 23th through 42nd place 50 USD worth of NEAR tokens

    -- SQL Credit PineHearst
    with TX AS (
    tx_hash as txn_hash,
    tx:receipt as receipt,
    tx:public_key as public_key,
    tx:signer_id as signer_id,
    tx:receiver_id as receiver_id
    FROM near.core.fact_transactions
    WHERE block_timestamp >= CURRENT_DATE - {{n_days}}
    Run a query to Download Data