CryptoIcicleSolana - 4. The Solana Smart Money - 2.Token Traders - Top 10
    Updated 2023-02-04
    -- Create a dashboard that tracks the most profitable traders on Solana (both in terms of token swaps and with NFTs).
    -- Use parameters to help define who falls under the category of most profitable and over what timeframe.
    -- What has "smart money" been doing on Solana over the past month? Over the past week? Are they active traders or do they hold positions for days at a time?
    -- What projects have yielded the most profit for Solana traders? Are there any indicators of what their next trades or strategy will be?
    -- How does your dashboard compare to Hellomoon's smart money inflows and outflows?

    -- Basis of Payment:
    -- To be eligible for payment.
    -- The submission must be sent before the deadline indicated on the bounty page.
    -- The submission must score a minimum of 6 points according to the Evaluation Criteria.

    -- 💰 Payout
    -- Rank Based Payout
    -- Payout is in SOL and xMETRIC, where the top eligible scorers are paid the amounts below. The first, second and third place submissions must have a
    -- score of 10 or higher to be eligible for higher payout amounts.
    -- If there are not enough eligible submissions for a category, remaining funds will either be paid to lower tier submissions or reserved for future bounty programs.
    -- Final determination of payouts and rankings are at the discretion of the MetricsDAO Bounty Operations Team.

    -- SOL Payouts:
    -- Rank amount
    -- First place $500 in SOL
    -- Second place $300 in SOL
    -- Third place $300 in SOL
    -- 4th through 15th place $75 in SOL
    -- 16th through 25st place $50 in SOL

    price as (
    date_trunc('day',recorded_hour) as date,
    avg(close) as price_usd
    from solana.core.ez_token_prices_hourly
    recorded_hour >= CURRENT_DATE - {{ Number_of_Days}}
    group by date, token_address
    Run a query to Download Data