CryptoIcicleSolana-107.DUST is in the Air - Top 10 Swappers from $DUST
    Updated 2022-09-08
    -- Grand Prize
    -- 3.441 SOL (A score of 11 or 12 earns you a Grand Prize title)
    -- Payout
    -- 2.294 SOL
    -- Score Multiplier
    -- 0-7 : 0%
    -- 8 : 50%
    -- 9 : 75%
    -- 10 : 100%
    -- 11 : 125%
    -- 12 : 150%
    -- Payout Network Solana
    -- Level Beginner
    -- Difficulty Medium

    -- Q107. $Dust is the utility token behind the most popular NFT project on Solana - Degods.
    -- The team and the community have been building with $DUST. How is $DUST being used in the Solana ecosystem?
    -- What are its most popular use cases and where are buyers of $DUST coming from?
    -- Highlight at least 3 metrics showing $DUST trends in Solana.

    with swappers_from_dust as (
    l.address_name as swap_to_token,
    from solana.fact_swaps s
    join solana.core.dim_labels l on s.swap_to_mint = l.address
    where swap_from_mint = 'DUSTawucrTsGU8hcqRdHDCbuYhCPADMLM2VcCb8VnFnQ' -- DUST token address
    and block_timestamp >= '2022-01-01'
    and swap_program = 'jupiter aggregator v2'

    sum(swap_from_amount) as dust_amount
    from swappers_from_dust
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