CryptoIcicleNFTs in 2022 - Highest amount of NFTs
    Updated 2023-01-05
    -- NFTs in 2022
    -- A retrospective on the NFT market in 2022.

    -- Pay by Quality Your score determines your final payout.
    -- Grand Prize 112.5 USDC (A score of 11 or 12 earns you a Grand Prize title)
    -- Payout 75 USDC
    -- Score Multiplier 0-7 : 0% 8 : 50% 9 : 75% 10 : 100% 11 : 125% 12 : 150%
    -- Payout Network Ethereum
    -- Level Intermediate
    -- Difficulty Hard
    -- A retrospective on the NFT market in 2022.
    -- NFT project with the highest volume of trades in 2022?
    -- Which NFT project had the largest mint by dollar?
    -- Which NFT project decreased the most in value this year?
    -- Which NFT project gained the most value this year?
    -- What was the price of the highest-selling individual NFT?
    -- Which NFTs had the longest hold time this year?
    -- Which NFT project had the least amount of NFTs listed for sale on an exchange?
    -- Which project had the most NFTs listed for sale on an exchange?
    -- BONUS: share this 2022 NFT highlight on Twitter and @Flipsidecrypto and any NFT projects who should see your analysis on their performance this year.

    eth_sales as (
    project_name as type,
    seller_address as seller,
    buyer_address as buyer,
    price_usd as sale_usd,
    tx_hash as tx_id,
    platform_name as platform,
    from ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales
    where block_timestamp >= '{{start_date}}' and block_timestamp <= '{{end_date}}'
    and platform <> 'sudoswap'
    Run a query to Download Data