Solana-103.Going Down The Wormhole
-- Q103. Create a dashboard that can refresh daily with metrics that provide a detailed picture of Wormhole activity -- both from Ethereum to Solana and from Solana to Ethereum. -- How are tokens being bridged from chain to chain and which actions seem to be popular among users of Wormhole? -- What actions seem to influence bridging behavior? -- What are users doing before and after bridging? -- Do users seem to think that bridging is safe or more risky relative to transfers to centralized exchanges?
Wormhole contracts come from the Wormhole documentation
For the Ethereum Wormhole address we look at all the transfers to
and decode the tx data to find the chain_id = 1 for Solana transfers -
For Solana we look at all the transactions using the wormhole programId
For the User actions, we look at all the Wormhole users on Ethereum and Solana and see what kind of actions they like i.e swapping, nft buying or nft minting.
For what the users are doing before bridging we look at the swaps that each user did within 2 days before bridging where they swapped tokens to the same token as the one that was bridged.
To answer the CEX question we look at the transfer volume and number of transfers to imply what is used more.
Wormhole Activity Ethereum → Solana
- Bridge volume is quite sporadic with the highest being ~8M $USD on July 28 and Aug 3, 2022.
- Most of the Bridged volume comes from USDC as that is the most common token bridged from Ethereum to Solana.
- The number of wallets has been consistent around 60 wallets using the wormhole transfers per day, most popular token is WETH for users, followed by USDC.
- The Number of transfers have been consistent around 50 transfers per day, with WETH being the popular token.
Wormhole Activity Solana → Ethereum
- Bridge volume is quite sporadic with the highest being ~14M $USD on Jun 15, the volume after that has just dwindled.
- Most of the Bridged volume comes from USDC as that is the most common token bridged from Solana to Ethereum as well.
- The number of wallets has been consistent around 80 wallets till Jun 20, and about 30 wallets using the wormhole transfers per day, most popular token is USDC.
- The Number of transfers have been consistent around 2.5K transfers per day, except two spikes of 35K transfers on Jul 6 and Jul 12, 2022.
User Behaviour Before Bridging - Ethereum
For what the users are doing before bridging we look at the swaps that each user did within 2 days before bridging where they swapped tokens to the same token as the one that was bridged.
- RLY is the most popular token that was swapped into from other tokens less than 2 days before bridging, which means it was dominantly the only token swapped to bridge.
- CEL makes an appearance as well it was swapped around Jun 13, 2022 to be bridged to Solana.
- USDC has been also very popular token recently since Jul 25, 2022.
- In terms of number of wallets, there are very few wallets which specially swap tokens to bridge.
- In terms of number of transfers, we see a rise in USDC being swapped and transferred over to Solana.
User Behaviour Before Bridging - Solana
For what the users are doing before bridging we look at the swaps that each user did within 2 days before bridging where they swapped tokens to the same token as the one that was bridged.
- WETH is the most popular token that was swapped into from other tokens less than 2 days before bridging, which means it was dominantly the only token swapped to bridge.
- In terms of number of wallets, there are a lot more wallets that are swapping to bridge exclusively as compared to Ethereum.
- In terms of number of transfers, we see a rise in USDC being swapped and transferred over to Ethereum.
Actions taken by Wormhole Users - Ethereum
- For a total of 2K wormhole users of Ethereum, only 700 are swappers, 722 are NFT traders and 945 are NFT Minters.
- This suggests that Wormhole users are also wallets from are interested in NFT minting and trading.
Actions taken by Wormhole Users - Solana
- For a total of 5.6K wormhole users of Solana, only 3.2K are swappers, 677 are NFT traders and 1.3K are NFT Minters.
- Ethereum wormhole users are more avid NFT Traders as compared to Solana Wormhole users.
Is Bridging safer than CEX ?
- The data seems to suggest no, people like to transfer out tokens to CEX a lot more than they bridge using wormhole.
- Personally transferring tokens out to a CEX are way more easier than using the bridge, also there are a lot of opportunities to convert the tokens to other tokens as needed on a CEX.
- I would say that the data suggests CEX is more safer than Wormhole Bridging.
- Wormhole is more popular with Solana → Ethereum rather than the other way around.
- There is more transfer volume from Solana, also a lot more users bridging tokens.
- Also there are a lot more wallet swapping tokens specifically for bridging purposes.
- These observations might be due to the fact that Solana users are more accustomed to Wormhole like Terra Users as compared to Ethereum users.