Solana-103.Going Down The Wormhole

    -- Q103. Create a dashboard that can refresh daily with metrics that provide a detailed picture of Wormhole activity -- both from Ethereum to Solana and from Solana to Ethereum. -- How are tokens being bridged from chain to chain and which actions seem to be popular among users of Wormhole? -- What actions seem to influence bridging behavior? -- What are users doing before and after bridging? -- Do users seem to think that bridging is safe or more risky relative to transfers to centralized exchanges?



    • Wormhole contracts come from the Wormhole documentation

    • For the Ethereum Wormhole address we look at all the transfers to 0x3ee18B2214AFF97000D974cf647E7C347E8fa585 and decode the tx data to find the chain_id = 1 for Solana transfers

    • For Solana we look at all the transactions using the wormhole programId 0x98f3c9e6E3fAce36bAAd05FE09d375Ef1464288B

    • For the User actions, we look at all the Wormhole users on Ethereum and Solana and see what kind of actions they like i.e swapping, nft buying or nft minting.

    • For what the users are doing before bridging we look at the swaps that each user did within 2 days before bridging where they swapped tokens to the same token as the one that was bridged.

    • To answer the CEX question we look at the transfer volume and number of transfers to imply what is used more.

    Wormhole Activity Ethereum → Solana

    • Bridge volume is quite sporadic with the highest being ~8M $USD on July 28 and Aug 3, 2022.
      • Most of the Bridged volume comes from USDC as that is the most common token bridged from Ethereum to Solana.
    • The number of wallets has been consistent around 60 wallets using the wormhole transfers per day, most popular token is WETH for users, followed by USDC.
    • The Number of transfers have been consistent around 50 transfers per day, with WETH being the popular token.

    Wormhole Activity Solana → Ethereum

    • Bridge volume is quite sporadic with the highest being ~14M $USD on Jun 15, the volume after that has just dwindled.
      • Most of the Bridged volume comes from USDC as that is the most common token bridged from Solana to Ethereum as well.
    • The number of wallets has been consistent around 80 wallets till Jun 20, and about 30 wallets using the wormhole transfers per day, most popular token is USDC.
    • The Number of transfers have been consistent around 2.5K transfers per day, except two spikes of 35K transfers on Jul 6 and Jul 12, 2022.

    User Behaviour Before Bridging - Ethereum

    For what the users are doing before bridging we look at the swaps that each user did within 2 days before bridging where they swapped tokens to the same token as the one that was bridged.

    • RLY is the most popular token that was swapped into from other tokens less than 2 days before bridging, which means it was dominantly the only token swapped to bridge.
    • CEL makes an appearance as well it was swapped around Jun 13, 2022 to be bridged to Solana.
    • USDC has been also very popular token recently since Jul 25, 2022.
    • In terms of number of wallets, there are very few wallets which specially swap tokens to bridge.
    • In terms of number of transfers, we see a rise in USDC being swapped and transferred over to Solana.

    User Behaviour Before Bridging - Solana

    For what the users are doing before bridging we look at the swaps that each user did within 2 days before bridging where they swapped tokens to the same token as the one that was bridged.

    • WETH is the most popular token that was swapped into from other tokens less than 2 days before bridging, which means it was dominantly the only token swapped to bridge.
    • In terms of number of wallets, there are a lot more wallets that are swapping to bridge exclusively as compared to Ethereum.
    • In terms of number of transfers, we see a rise in USDC being swapped and transferred over to Ethereum.

    Actions taken by Wormhole Users - Ethereum

    • For a total of 2K wormhole users of Ethereum, only 700 are swappers, 722 are NFT traders and 945 are NFT Minters.
    • This suggests that Wormhole users are also wallets from are interested in NFT minting and trading.

    Actions taken by Wormhole Users - Solana

    • For a total of 5.6K wormhole users of Solana, only 3.2K are swappers, 677 are NFT traders and 1.3K are NFT Minters.
    • Ethereum wormhole users are more avid NFT Traders as compared to Solana Wormhole users.

    Is Bridging safer than CEX ?

    • The data seems to suggest no, people like to transfer out tokens to CEX a lot more than they bridge using wormhole.
    • Personally transferring tokens out to a CEX are way more easier than using the bridge, also there are a lot of opportunities to convert the tokens to other tokens as needed on a CEX.
    • I would say that the data suggests CEX is more safer than Wormhole Bridging.


    • Wormhole is more popular with Solana → Ethereum rather than the other way around.
    • There is more transfer volume from Solana, also a lot more users bridging tokens.
    • Also there are a lot more wallet swapping tokens specifically for bridging purposes.
    • These observations might be due to the fact that Solana users are more accustomed to Wormhole like Terra Users as compared to Ethereum users.