Sushi-109.Liquidity Providers Stats

    Q109. Liquidity providers stats 1. Evaluate the distribution of various target segments who provide liquidity (LP): - What’s the total no. of unique LP providers? - What’s the ratio between Yield farmers vs. LP Providers? - What’s the average no. of LP positions opened by each unique wallet address - What’s the ratio of liquidity (Based on TVL) owned by the Protocol vs. Retail LP in both LP Pool and yield farms - The percentage (%) increase/decrease of LP Providers in Sushi over the last 1 year 2. Evaluate the profitability of an LP Provider & Yield Farmer - Evaluate if there’s a correlation between profitability vs. length of time? - Evaluate if there is a correlation between profit vs. time of withdrawal - Correlation between profitability vs type of pool? EX: stable pool