Terra - 11. Back to Basics: Account Activity

    The question of “active wallets” faces every ecosystem. Let’s investigate this question for Terra — and go beyond the “one transaction in 30 days” approach! Define what an active, high quality user looks like and how it can be measured. Assess how many active users exist on Terra, according to your definition. Additionally, provide a few brief, specific ideas to attract additional users, as well as an assessment of what it would cost to implement these ideas. What is the acquisition cost for a high-value user, according to your recommendations?



    • Active User: Any user that has a combined total of 20 transactions in the past 30 days.
    • Valid Transaction: Any transaction that is one of the following type of transaction.
      • voting
      • staking
      • swapping
      • nft_minting
      • nft_buying
      • nft_selling
    • Lunatic Score: The score assigned to each active wallet based on the weight parameters defined above.
      • Voting takes the highest weight with a 3x multiplier
      • Staking has a multiplier of 0.75x
      • Swapping has a multplier of 0.25x
      • Nft_minting has a multplier of 0.3x
      • Nft_buying has a multplier of 0.2x
      • Nft_selling has a multplier of 0.2x
      • The thinking behind the multipliers is that voting is very rare but the most important for a user to be high valued user.
      • Staking is much more common but also important adding to the ecosystem.
      • Other day to day activities like swapping, nfts have lower multipliers with 0.25 and 0.2 respectively.
    • High Quality User: Any wallet that has a combined total >= 20 valid transactions in the past 30 days plus has lunatic score >= 300

    All parameters can be updated and you can create your own lunatic score calculator

    Most Active Users

    • Any user that has a combined total of 20 transactions in the past 30 days from the list of types of transactions below is defined as an active user.
      • voting
      • staking
      • swapping
      • nft_minting
      • nft_buying
      • nft_selling
    • Given below is the list of the active users and the Top 10 most active users.
    • terra1fhgqfnef2wvz6rnmuc9mxupwq0mmks7ka8eu9r is the most active user with around 31K transactions in the past 30 days.

    High Value Users

    • Lunatic Score: The score assigned to each active wallet based on the weight parameters defined above.
    • High Quality User: Any wallet that has a combined total >= 20 valid transactions in the past 30 days plus has lunatic score >= 300
    • Based on these definitions here is the score of all the active users.
    • The most high valued user is terra1fhgqfnef2wvz6rnmuc9mxupwq0mmks7ka8eu9r with a lunatic score of 7,863
      • The score mainly comes from the swapping transactions.
    • The second most valued user is terra1mghsnv4k45ajy5n5xxf8rdvu6fsdke0q8kwndh with a lunatic score of 4806
      • This score is fairly divided and comes from voting, staking and swapping transactions.

    All parameters can be updated and you can create your own lunatic score calculator

    Most Active User Transaction Breakdown

    • Any user that has a combined total of 20 transactions in the past 30 days from the list of types of transactions below is defined as an active user.
      • voting
      • staking
      • swapping
      • nft_minting
      • nft_buying
      • nft_selling
    • Given below is the breakdown of the transaction type of the most active users.
    • The most common User Activity Type is a staking.
    • However, the most number of transactions by active users are swapping with a total of 50 swapping transactions.

    Assess how many active users exist on Terra, according to your definition

    • As per the definition there are 247 active users in the past 30 days.
    • Out of the 247 active users only 84 of them can be considered high value active users in the past 30 days.

    Additionally, provide a few brief, specific ideas to attract additional users, as well as an assessment of what it would cost to implement these ideas.

    • One idea to attract addition users would definitely be more apps on the Terra 2.0 ecosystem.
      • Terra 1.0 had a lot of wonderful apps like Anchor, Astroport, MARS, RandomEarth, etc, while some apps have moved to Terra 2.0 we do need more developers interested in the Terra 2.0 ecosystem.
      • Anchor in particular was something very unique to Terra 1.0, something like that would certainly attract more users.
      • We already have like 50 projects on Terra 2.0, but we need to keep this dev train going. *
    • The crazy usage of UST and the rise in price of LUNA attracted a lot of new users to the ecosystem.
    • Attractive staking rewards would also incentivize user to stake their LUNA and help the ecosystem in the meantime.

    What is the acquisition cost for a high-value user, according to your recommendations?

    • There should not be much acquisition cost for a high-value user.
    • The ecosystem itself should be enjoyable like the Terra 1.0 was, the users would just join and use the ecosystem regularly, along with bringing the liquidity.
    • All in all making great apps should attract both developers and users to Terra 2.0