Bounty Question #18: How is the behavior of early vs. late adopters of ALCX different?

    @dtradke, @ryanl, @ccv This dashboard contains 5 main datatables that were used as a base for our data analysis in Python.

    The following two tables are queried from the ethereum.udm_events table, grabbing all users that bought ALCX from SushiSwap. Early Adopters are from February 27 to March 20 whereas Late Adopters are from end of March to Present


    The following two tables addresses that currently hold ALCX (as of April 19, 2021). The first one labeled All Portfolio, has the total protfolio value of the user. The second, ALCX Portfolio, holds the USD value of their ALCX holdings. This data was used to find the percentage of ALCX to total value.

    Note: some of the addresses contained are contract addresses and are later filtered out

    Portfolio Value

    This table contains the transactions that have to do with the farming pools.

    • alUSD
    • alUSD3CRV
    • ALCX

    ALCX Staking Transactions
