CryptoLiongasfees for deposits - <3
    Updated 2021-11-10
    date_trunc('week',compound.deposits.block_timestamp) as week,
    concat(to_char(count(distinct supplied_symbol)),'x asset(s)') as num_assets,
    avg(gas_price) as gas,
    listagg(DISTINCT supplied_symbol,',') as assets,
    count(ethereum.transactions.tx_id) as num_transactions,
    avg(fee_usd) as fee
    FROM compound.deposits
    INNER JOIN ethereum.transactions on compound.deposits.tx_id = ethereum.transactions.tx_id
    WHERE ethereum.transactions.block_timestamp >= getdate() - interval '2 months'
    AND compound.deposits.block_timestamp >= getdate() - interval '2 months'
    GROUP BY week, supplier
    ORDER BY week

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