UNI Weekly Volume Breakdown

    This dashboard takes a closer look at Uniswap volume changes over the last 10 weeks.

    On the other hand, liquidity volume is really all over the place. USDC-ETH 0.3% LP definitely held the cake here during the weeks of May 23 and May 30th, but as July rolled around, the other top pools were steady alongside it.

    Focusing on the Top 5

    As of time of writing, the top pools that were found are USDC-ETH 0.3% & 0.05%, ETH-USDT 0.3% & 0.05% and DAI-ETH.

    From the Swap Volume graph below, we can see that the USDC-ETH 0.05% and 0.3% swap volumes trended in different directions with the 0.05% pool gaining swap volume and the 0.3% pool decreasing in volume week after week. In contrast, the other 3 pools have stayed relatively steady, with weekly changes of under 100m.

    Uniswap Volumes

    Looking over the last 10 weeks, we can see that swap volume has slowly decreased from June 6th until the week of July 25th. As seen by the BTC/ETH price graph, the uptick in swap volume correlates directly with the average price of ETH and BTC growing considerably within the week. In contrast, this also added to a decrease in liquidity volume with almost 3B being taken out of liquidity pools during that week.

    Introduction and Definitions

    In this dashboard, I look specifically at the Top 5 pools on Uniswap. The top 5 pools in this dashboard were identified by their last 7-day swap volume because the time breakdown is by week.

    Swap volume uses only ABS(amount0_usd), not taking into account swap volume in/out of specific pools.

    Liquidity volume in this dashboard is defined as the weekly liquidity changes in the pools, subtracting increase_liquidity - decrease_liquidity.

    • Also worthy to note, the Aug 1st data point is a bit incomplete due to the query being run mid-week which is why there is a drop-off. The dashboard will update itself daily!