The change in TVL of the 5 pools can be seen more closely in this next graph. As noted earlier, USDC-WETH 0.05% tends to have increased on a week-by-week basis whereas other pools have seen a more sporadic change oscillating between positive and negative changes.

    Top 5 pools

    As we look at the weekly TVL from May to August, the TVL distribution looks like it becomes more even throughout the last 10 weeks. USDC-WETH held only 6.7M during the week of May 30th but now holds over 111M. Interesting to note that the top 5 pools generally follow the same trends as the overall TVL on Uniswap V3 except for the week of June 13th.


    TVL was calculated using the sum of token1_amount_usd and token0_amount_usd from the pool_stats table. The top 5 pools by TVL were found by looking at the average tvl over the last week. To account for unreasonable spikes and troughs, tvl was averaged over the whole week and tvl per pool was capped at 500M (well over the largest pool, USDC-WETH).

    TVL Breakdown

    Between May 30th to July 11th, the total TVL on Uniswap V3 has steadily decreased. Looking at the price graph and overall TVL on Uniswap V3, TVL seems to follow the same trends as BTC's price movement, rising and falling with BTC prices.
