Uniswap V3: Fees Earned by Liquidity Providers
This dashboard looks at the fees earned by liquidity providers from the different liquidity pools, with a focus on the top pools.
The following graph uses the same top pools like the ones listed above but looks at the average fees per provider. From this graph, we can see that on average, FEI-USDC LPs have earned the most at a daily average of roughly 35K over May 12, May 16, and May 19. UNI-WETH has the lowest daily non-zero average at $0.23 on May 17 and $0.0027 on May 13, never eclipsing $1.
The following graph takes the top 10 pools from Uniswap (https://info.uniswap.org/home#/pools) and looks at their daily collected fees. The top pools used were: USDC-USDT, USDC-WETH, WETH-USDC, UNI-WETH, DAI-USDC, FEI-USDC, DAI-WETH and SHIBA2-WETH. Seen below, the total collected fees from these top pools were under 200K in total for the first 7 days. However, the next week saw an increase to the 300K-500K range. USDC-WETH saw the most fees collected across the different days, with roughly 283K between May 12 and May 16.
The below graph takes the total USD value collected per day, grouped by liquidity pool. From this first graph, we can see that being a liquidity provider can be very beneficial. There are many different pools that provide LPs with value, such as SDOG-WETH, HEX-USDC, and LEASH-SHIB. These are just a few examples of smaller pools which provide value to LPs.
On May 12th, $8.6 Trillion USD in fees were collected in the WETH-CVR20 pool, by far the largest daily value from any pool.