Uniswap V3: Reward Rates and Position Widths

    This dashboard looks into the rewards earned by LPs in the Top 5 liquidity pools and analyzes the differences between a narrow and wide positions.

    Let's take a look at the fees collected by LPs. The top 5 liquidity pools were taken through the pool_stats table, and found to be the following:

    • DAI-USDC

    Rewards rates were calculated using actual rewards collected from position_collected_fees

    Rewards by Width

    I chose to group the ranges with the following width percentages:

    • < 0.5%
    • < 5%
    • < 50%
    • over 50%

    Width percentage was calculated using the current price taking (upper_price - lower_price)/current_price. These thresholds were chosen because the stablecoin pairs tend to have more LPs with narrow positions compared to the stablecoin/ETH or ETH/BTC pairs. The majority of rewards from the stable pairs are from LPs with positions with a width under the 5% range. On the other hand, the other 3 pools have the majority of rewards grabbed from positions with over 50% price range, with little to no positions in ranges under 5%.
