Delamir-6014Number NFT minted and first minting
    Updated 2022-11-20
    'NBA_Market' as sorare,
    -- min(date(BLOCK_TIMESTAMP)) as First_mint,
    count (tx_hash) as Number_NFT_minted
    from ethereum.core.ez_nft_mints
    where nft_address = lower('0x06Bc6BF1432C4f28da6aD2BeE7D6e62F91B1B669')
    union all
    'MLB_Market' as sorare,
    -- min(date(BLOCK_TIMESTAMP)) as First_mint,
    count (tx_hash) as Number_NFT_minted,
    from ethereum.core.ez_nft_mints
    where nft_address = lower('0xC43c97cFEBfE912906c52A268Ed5B6e21c8CC39d')
    union all
    'Footbal_Market' as sorare,
    -- min(date(BLOCK_TIMESTAMP)) as First_mint,
    count (tx_hash) as Number_NFT_minted
    from ethereum.core.ez_nft_mints
    where nft_address = lower('0x629A673A8242c2AC4B7B8C5D8735fbeac21A6205')
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