Delamir-6014Platform Differences
    Updated 2022-11-22
    count (distinct tx_hash) as Number_sales,
    count (distinct buyer_address) as Buyers,
    count (distinct seller_address) as Sellers,
    count (distinct tokenid) as Number_NFTS,
    sum (price_usd) as Total_Sale_Volume,
    min (price_usd) as min_Sale_Volume,
    max (price_usd) as max_Sale_Volume
    from ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales
    where NFT_ADDRESS = lower('0x629A673A8242c2AC4B7B8C5D8735fbeac21A6205')
    and PROJECT_NAME = 'sorare'
    -- and PLATFORM_NAME = 'opensea'
    and PRICE_USD > 0
    group by 1

    Run a query to Download Data