    Updated 2021-11-08
    select *
    fantof-- select block_timestamp
    -- ,pool_address
    -- ,pool_name
    -- ,token_address
    -- ,tx_id
    -- ,amount_in
    -- ,amount_out
    -- ,case when amount_out > 0 then 'ETH In' when amount_in > 0 then 'ETH Out' end as eth_in_out
    -- ,case when amount_out > 0 then to_address when amount_in > 0 then from_address end as wallet_id
    from ethereum.dex_swaps
    where block_timestamp >= current_date -3
    and amount_usd > 10000
    order by block_timestamp desc
    limit 100

    -- select *
    -- from ethereum.erc20_balances
    -- where user_address = '0x33c6b73432b3aea0c1725e415cc40d04908b85fd'

    Run a query to Download Data