Axelar: Interop Summit

    In this dashboard, a presentation about Axelar and its General Message Passing Capabilities is given using the Flipside's new Data App and its 'Tabs' feature.

    📖 Introduction

    🔔 The Interop Summit is blockchain's first-ever universal gathering point for builders creating dApps that span Web3.

    🤔 What is Axelar?

    Axelar delivers secure cross-chain communication for Web3. Secure means Axelar is built on proof-of-stake, the battle-tested approach used by Ethereum, Cosmos, Avalanche, and more. Cross-chain communication means you can build a complete experience for your users that lets them interact with any asset, any application, on any chain with one click.[1]

    🤔 What is Satellite?

    Satellite is a web application built on top of the Axelar Network. It provides an easy to use interface which enables users to transfer their crypto assets from one chain to another. [2]

    🤔 What is Squid?

    Squid is the cross-chain swap and liquidity routing protocol on . Squid utilises existing DEXs to swap and send any native token between chains. Swaps are composable with Axelar's generalised message passing(GMP), so Squid can enable one-click transactions between any application and any user, using any asset. [3]

    🤔 What is General Message Passing(GMP)?

    General Message Passing(GMP) is more than wrapping assets and transferring them between chains: it enables a developer building on one chain to call any function on any other connected chain. That means complete composability, across Web3 Like all Axelar functions, GMP relies on a permissionless validator set (delegated proof-of-stake) for security, and a decentralized protocol that handles routing and translation. With GMP, Axelar network is expanding the definition of secure cross-chain communication. [4]

    In this dashboard, we used Flipside database to extract data:

    1️⃣ osmosis.core.dim_prices

    2️⃣ axelar.core.fact_transfers

    3️⃣ axelar.core.fact_daily_balances

    4️⃣ axelar.core.fact_transactions

    5️⃣ ethereum/arbitrum/optimism/bsc/avalanche/polygon.core.fact_event_logs

    🔩 Methodology
    🧠 Purposes of Dashboard

    In this dashboard, a presentation about Axelar and its General Message Passing Capabilities is given using the Flipside's new Data App and its 'Tabs' feature.

    This dashboard consists of different parts. In the first part, the status of transfers on Axelar is examined. After the general trend is examined, the source and destination chains as well as popular paths are evaluated in a more detailed look. In the second part, Satellite and Squid bridges are compared from different aspects. But beyond the desired goals in this dashboard, in the next sections, the transaction status of the Axelar chain, AXL holders, and the price of this currency are also analyzed. Finally, the most important results found are summarized and provided to the readers.