Polygon Block Performance

    Polygon Bounty


    • What is the average time between blocks on Polygon?

    • What was the maximum and minimum recorded time between two blocks?

    • How many transactions are done in a block on average?

    • How do these numbers compare to L1 such as Flow or Solana, or other L2 such as Arbitrum or Optimism?


    • In this dashboard, the performance of Polygon network blocks has been evaluated. For more detailed analysis, Polygon network has been compared with a layer1 network such as Flow and a layer2 network such as Arbitrum.
    • In this dashboard, the following tables are used to extract data:
      • arbitrum.core.fact_transactions
      • polygon.core.fact_transactions
      • flow.core.fact_transactions
    • By checking the data in the Polygon database, it can be seen that on average about 76 transactions are done in each block. On the other hand, since the beginning, the highest number of transactions in one block has been 1332 transactions.
    • In this dashboard, 10 blocks with the highest number of transactions on the Polygon network have also been obtained. All these blocks had more than 1162 transactions.
    • The highest and lowest time recorded between two blocks on Polygon was 25s and 2s. Likewise, the average recorded time between two consecutive blocks on the Polygan network is about 2.25 seconds.
    • The average number of transactions recorded in a Polygon network block is almost 6 times that of the Flow network.(74 vs. 13)
    • The highest number of transactions recorded on Polygon is about 3 times that of Flow network. (1332 vs. 435)
    • The top 10 blocks of the Flow network have more than 370 transactions each.
    • The maximum recorded time between two blocks on the Flow network is about 90 seconds, which is more than the same value on the Polygan network. However, unlike Polygan, where the minimum time between two blocks is 2 seconds, the minimum time between two blocks on the Flow network is less than one second.
    • The average time recorded between blocks on the Flow blockchain is about 1.43 seconds, which is less than the same value on the Polygon network.
    • Arbitrum's layer2 network data shows that on average about 1 transaction is recorded per block. Optimism's layer2 network is also similar to Arbitrum.
    • The maximum number of transactions recorded in a block on the Arbitrum network is 128 transactions.
    • The top blocks of the Arbitrum network also show that all of them have recorded more than 100 transactions.
    • The maximum, minimum and average time recorded between blocks on Arbitrum is 247 seconds, less than 1 second and 0.9 seconds, respectively.


    In this dashboard, the performance of Polygon blocks was evaluated and compared with L1 Flow network and L2 Arbitrum network. The results obtained are summarized below:

    • Average time between blocks: ==Polygon(2.25s) > Flow(1.43s) > Arbitrum(0.89s)==
    • Average number of transactions in a block: ==Polygon(76 TXs) > Flow(13 TXs) > Arbitrum(1 TXs)==
    • Maximum number of transactions in a block: ==Polygon(1332 TXs) > Flow(435 TXs) > Arbitrum(247 TXs)==
    • Maximum recorded time between two blocks: ==Polygon(25s) < Flow(90s) < Arbitrum(0.89s)==
    • Minimum recorded time between two blocks: ==Polygon(2s) > Flow(Less than a second) > Arbitrum(Less than a second)==