Flash bounty: Reddit NFTs
Reddit is officially in the NFT game. Find 3 metrics to compare the Reddit NFT launch to the launches of other major NFTs. Add any other interesting metrics comparing this launch to Polygon NFTs in general
What is Reddit?
Reddit is a popular networking site that allows users to discuss, vote on and share content.
What are Reddit NFTs?
Reddit’s CryptoSnoos NFTs are digital, limited-edition collectibles based on the social platform’s mascot, Snoo. They’re designed by independent artists and Reddit creators from popular creative communities like r/Comics that users can buy with fiat currency, ranging in price from $10 to $100. The avatars give users platform benefits (like unique profile animations) and allow Redditors to use their avatars as they see fit off the platform.
These NFTs emerged from the context and the success of Reddit’s then-recently-updated Avatar Builder, which the platform launched in 2020.
Dashboard sections:
- Reddit Overall stats
- Reddit NFT vs (ZED Run Legacy, MyCryptoHeroes, Chumbi Valley) during The First 3 Months of Their Launch
- Reddit NFT vs Polygon NFTs
Used tables: polygon.core.fact_event_logs and ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales
Analysis date: 10/29/2022
Full list of all Reddit’s NFT collections: click here
Gmail: ftmkhodabande@gmail.com
Tweeter: @busygirlcom
Discord: Jinx#6675
> Special thanks to my friend camp#4286

The results showed that the number of sales of ZED Run Legacy is more than Reddit NFT and Chumbi Valley. Also, the number of Reddit NFT sales is more than Chumbi Valley. The number of sellers and buyers of Reddit NFT is less than ZED Run Legacy but more than Chumbi Valley. The results showed that in the first three months after the launch of Reddit NFT, sales were very low at first, but sales increased in the last month. Also, the sales of Chumbi Valley were high in the initial days of the launch, and after a few days, they decreased a lot, and the sales were very low in the rest of the days. But compared to the other two sets, ZED Run Legacy has generally had high sales in the first three months after being released.
Comparing Reddit NFTs with Polygon NFTs, it is shown that the average sales of Polygon NFTs are higher than Reddit NFTs. But there are more sellers and buyers of Reddit NFTs than Polygon NFTs. Also, the results showed that the average purchase per buyer is slightly higher in Reddit NFTs than in Polygon NFTs. But the average sales per seller is higher in Polygon NFTs than Reddit NFTs by a large margin. Also, these results showed that average sales and average buyers were higher in Polygon NFTs on a daily basis in August and September. But from the end of September to October 30, the average number of buyers and sellers of Reddit NFTs was higher than that of Polygon NFTs on a daily basis.
> There are 61 available Reddit NFT collections.
> The majority of these NFT collections were launched on 20th October 2022.
> There are 1.215 M minted tokens that are minted by 2.86 M unique minters.
> There were 47.2K sale transactions on Reddit NFTs conducted by 11.38k unique buyers and 10.13 unique buyers. > > 59 out of 61 Reddit NFT collections were involved in these sales.
Reddit Overall stats
Reddit NFT vs (ZED Run Legacy, MyCryptoHeroes, Chumbi Valley) during The First 3 Months of Their Launch
> Comparing the number of sales transactions, ZED Run Legacy is higher than Reddit NFT and Chumbi Valley, with 189.3 thousand sales transactions. Reddit NFT is next with 47.21 thousand transactions, and after Reddit NFT, Chumbi Valley with 7.5 thousand transactions.
> Similar to the chart of the number of sales, the highest number of sales is for ZED Run Legacy (28.3 thousand people). It was followed by 11,300 sellers on Reddit NFT. The number of sellers in Chumbi Valley is 2.6 thousand people.
> The number of buyers of ZED Run Legacy is approximately 40.4 thousand users, and it is higher than Reddit NFT and Chumbi Valley. After that, respectively, Reddit NFT and Chumbi Valley are located.
> Reddit NFT launch date: July 9, 2022 > In this section, we show the sales changes of these three collections in the first three months of their launch. > The Reddit NFT sales chart shows a low sales volume in the first half of this time frame but increased sales in the second half of this time frame and reached its highest sales number on October 24, 2022.
> ZED Run Legacy launch date: August 15, 2021 > In general, compared to the other two sets, ZED Run Legacy has had high sales in the first three months after its launch. Its best-selling day was October 30, 2021.
> ZED Run Legacy launch date: December 15, 2021 > > The highest number of sales of Chumbi Valley collection is on the first day of launch. After the launch, the number of sales of this collection decreased. The most sales of this collection are in the first week after its launch. During this quarter, the sale of this collection has decreased.
> In general, in the first three months after the launch of these collections, only the ZED Run Legacy collection was able to have high sales during these three months. The Reddit NFT set had its highest sales in the last days of the three-month period, but the Chumbi Valley set had its highest sales in the early days after the lounge. > > In the other three charts, you can see the number of buyers and the number of sellers in the first three months after the launch. The trend of this chart is similar to the sales charts of each collection.
Reddit NFT vs Polygon NFTs
The average sales of other NFTs are higher than the average sales of Reddit NFTs. But the average number of Reddit NFT buyers is higher than other NFTs. Also, the average Reddit NFT seller is higher.
The second graph shows that the average purchase per buyer is higher on Reddit NFT. But the average sales per seller of other NFTs is more than that of Reddit NFT.
The chart of daily sales changes shows that in the early months, the sales of other NFTs are more than Reddit NFTs, but from late September to October 30, 2022, the daily sales of Reddit NFTs are more than other NFTs.
Also, the chart of daily changes of average buyers shows that in the early months, the buyers of other NFTs are more than Reddit NFT, but from the end of September onwards, the average daily buyer of Reddit NFT is more than other NFTs.