Largest Tokemak DEX Pools
Q3. What are the largest dex pools for TOKE (UNI, SUSHI, etc.)? What is the behavior of TOKE holders on these token pools currently?
Tokemak is a generalized crypto liquidity aggregator for decentralized exchanges (DEXs) that is designed to give users the ability to provide liquidity and earn incentivized yields for staking different crypto assets while controlling where liquidity is allocated via a decentralized market making system.
Tokemak leverages the use of its TOKE governance and utility asset to facilitate the use of its underlying blockchain protocol.
The chart below shows the total weekly swaps over the last three month.
According to the chart below:
The highest number of swaps on TOKE WETH UNI was 388 on April 11th till April 18.
The highest number of swaps on TOKE WETH SLP was 346 on April 4th till April 10th.
The donut below shows the percentage of total swaps on pools.
According to the result :
More than 53% of swaps was on TOKE WETH SLP .
Almost 46% of swaps was on TOKE WETH UNI .
The chart below shows the total weekly liquidity over the last three month.
According to the chart below:
The highest number of added liquidity on Uni Pool was 249 on April 11th till April 18th.
The highest number of added liquidity on Toke Pool was 134 on May 9th till May 16th.
The donut below shows the total added liquidity on pools.
According to the result:
About 32% of added liquidity was on Toke pool(1060 time).
After that , in the second place about 26% of added liquidity was on UNI pool(857 times).
The chart below shows the total liquidity based on Toke Holders.
The highest amount of added liquidity was on Toke Pool about 25 times.
The lowest amount of added liquidity was on USDC pool about 5 times.
The donut below shows the total swap base on Toke holder.
According to the result:
More than 50% of swaps was on TOKE WETH SLP pool.
Nearly 50% of swaps was on TOKE WETH UNI pool.
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