HadisehTotal Removed Amounts In USD
    Updated 2022-06-11
    with add_liq as ( select trunc(BLOCK_TIMESTAMP,'day') as add_date , LIQUIDITY_PROVIDER_ADDRESS, tx_id , CURRENCY , amount/pow(10,decimal) as total
    from osmosis.core.fact_liquidity_provider_actions
    where BLOCK_ID >= 4707300
    and BLOCK_ID <= 4713064
    and ACTION = 'pool_joined'
    and TX_STATUS = 'SUCCEEDED') ,

    add_address as ( select add_date , count(DISTINCT(tx_id)) as total_add, LIQUIDITY_PROVIDER_ADDRESS as add_address , LABEL as lb, sum(total) as add_amount
    from osmosis.core.dim_labels y join add_liq x on y.address = x.currency
    where total is not null
    group by 1,3,4
    order by 2 desc),
    remove as ( select trunc(BLOCK_TIMESTAMP,'day') as remove_date , LIQUIDITY_PROVIDER_ADDRESS , tx_id , CURRENCY , amount/pow(10,decimal) as total
    from osmosis.core.fact_liquidity_provider_actions
    where BLOCK_ID >= 4707300 and BLOCK_ID <= 4713064
    and ACTION = 'pool_exited'
    and TX_STATUS = 'SUCCEEDED') ,
    remove_address as ( select remove_date , count(DISTINCT(tx_id)) as total_remove,LIQUIDITY_PROVIDER_ADDRESS as remove_address , LABEL , sum(total) as remove_amount
    from osmosis.core.dim_labels b join remove a on b.address = a.currency
    where total is not null
    group by 1,3,4
    order by 2 desc),
    total as ( select DATEDIFF(day,add_date , remove_date ) as days , add_address , remove_address , total_add ,total_remove, label, lb, add_amount , remove_amount
    ,add_amount - remove_amount as remain_amount
    from add_address x join remove_address y on x.add_address = y.remove_address and x.lb = y.label
    order by total_add desc),
    price as ( select 'Cosmos' as token , '8.25' as price from osmosis.core.dim_prices
    select 'Osmosis' as token , '1.1' as price from osmosis.core.dim_prices
    select 'Wrapped Bitcoin' as token , '30000' as price from osmosis.core.dim_prices
    Run a query to Download Data