Hadisehaxelar recap 1
    Updated 2022-12-03
    select date,
    sum(balance/pow(10,decimal)) as total_hold_vol,
    sum(total_hold_vol) over (order by date asc) as cum_vol,
    min(balance/pow(10,decimal)) as min_vol,
    avg(balance/pow(10,decimal)) as avg_vol,
    max(balance/pow(10,decimal)) as max_vol,
    count(DISTINCT address) as total_holder,
    sum(total_holder) over (order by date asc) as cum_holder
    from osmosis.core.fact_daily_balances
    where currency = 'ibc/903A61A498756EA560B85A85132D3AEE21B5DEDD41213725D22ABF276EA6945E'
    and date >= '2022-10-26'
    GROUP by date
    order by date
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