Hadisehavg last year
    Updated 2022-12-07
    with t1 as ( select date(timestamp) as date,
    avg(PRICE_USD) as price_usd
    from flow.core.fact_prices
    where token = 'Flow'
    group by date,token),
    t2 as ( select date(block_timestamp) as date,
    case when currency ilike 'FLOW' then price*price_usd else price end as total_amount
    from flow.core.ez_nft_sales x join flow.core.dim_allday_metadata y on x.nft_id = y.nft_id
    left outer join t1 z on x.block_timestamp::date = z.date
    where TX_SUCCEEDED = 'TRUE'
    and NFLALLDAY_ID is not null),

    t3 as (select trunc(date,'day') as date,
    case when date < '2022-11-25' then 'Pre Thanksgiving'
    when date = '2022-11-25' then 'During Thanksgiving'
    when date > '2022-11-25' then 'After Thanksgiving' end as type,
    count(DISTINCT tx_id) as total_transaction,
    count(DISTINCT buyer) as total_buyer,
    count(DISTINCT seller) as total_seller,
    sum(total_amount) as total_usd_vol,
    min(total_amount) as min_vol,
    avg(total_amount) as avg_vol,
    avg(avg_vol) over (order by date rows between 1 preceding and current row) as avg_7_day_moving,
    max(total_amount) as max_vol

    from t2
    where date >= '2021-11-05'
    GROUP by date,type)

    avg(total_transaction) as avg_transaction ,
    avg(total_buyer) as avg_buyer,
    Run a query to Download Data