HadisehNBA crossovers activties
    Updated 2022-06-15
    with top_shot as (select DISTINCT buyer as nba_buyer
    from flow.core.fact_nft_sales
    WHERE MARKETPLACE = 'A.c1e4f4f4c4257510.TopShotMarketV3'),
    other_collections as ( select DISTINCT buyer , nft_collection
    from flow.core.fact_nft_sales
    where MARKETPLACE <> 'A.c1e4f4f4c4257510.TopShotMarketV3'),
    cross_over as (select buyer , nba_buyer , nft_collection
    from other_collections x join top_shot y on x.buyer = y.nba_buyer),
    nft as ( select date(block_timestamp) as day , CONTRACT_NAME , count(DISTINCT(buyer)) as buyers
    from flow.core.fact_nft_sales a join flow.core.dim_contract_labels b on a.nft_collection = b.EVENT_CONTRACT
    where buyer in ( select buyer from cross_over) and contract_name <> 'TopShot'
    group by 1,2)

    select * from nft where buyers > 5
    Run a query to Download Data