HadisehCity Amidst the Storm 16
    Updated 2022-11-16
    select block_timestamp::date as date,
    count(DISTINCT tx_signer) as total_staker,
    sum(total_staker) over (order by date asc) as cumulative_staker,
    sum(stake_amount/POW(10,24)) as stake_volume,
    sum(stake_volume) over (order by date asc) as cumulative_volume,
    avg(stake_amount/POW(10,24)) as average_stake_volume
    from near.core.dim_staking_actions
    where action = 'Stake'
    and date between '2022-11-07' and '2022-11-14'
    group by 1
    order by 1
    Run a query to Download Data