Solana Since The Mango Hack

    What has been happening in the Solana defi ecosystem since the Mango Markets Hack? Has activity increased? Decreased? Are users flocking to any particular defi apps? Are they leaving the ecosystem? Chart flows in and out of centralized exchanges from the Solana ecosystem. Has staking behavior changed on Solana since the hack?

    Mango Hack

    Mango Markets, a decentralized trading platform on the Solana blockchain, looks to be the latest victim of a massive hack within the crypto realm. On Tuesday evening, Mango noted on Twitter that there was “an incident” involving an attacker draining funds.

    The hacker proposed sending back cryptocurrency worth about $50 million if Mango Markets uses the $70 million USDC in its treasury to clear bad debt on its protocol and also pay back all users without bad debt.

    What is the Solana?

    Solana is a blockchain platform designed to host decentralized, scalable applications. Solana can process many more transactions per second and charges lower transaction fees than rival blockchains like Ethereum.


    select date(block_timestamp) as date,
    instruction:accounts[0] as users, 
    count(DISTINCT tx_id) as transactions
    from solana.core.fact_events a join solana.core.dim_labels b 
    on a.PROGRAM_ID = b.address
    where SUCCEEDED = 'TRUE'
    and label_type in ('defi')
    and date >= CURRENT_DATE - 20
      when block_timestamp::date < '2022-10-11' then 'befor-hack' 
      when block_timestamp::date >= '2022-10-11' then 'after-hack'
      end as date_case,
    instruction:accounts[0] as users,
    count(DISTINCT tx_id) as transactions
    from solana.core.fact_events x join solana.core.dim_labels y 
    on x.PROGRAM_ID = y.address
    where SUCCEEDED = 'TRUE'
    and label_type in ('defi')
    count(DISTINCT tx_id) as total_transaction,
    count(DISTINCT tx_to) as total_users
    from solana.core.fact_transfers x join flipside_prod_db.crosschain.address_labels y on 
    x.tx_from = address
    where tx_to not in ( select address 
    from flipside_prod_db.crosschain.address_labels
    where label_subtype = 'hot_wallet'
    and blockchain = 'solana')
    and label_subtype = 'hot_wallet'


    **Per Defi**
    • The highest number of users was on Solend with 15.1K users and consisted of 75.2%.

    • The highest number of transaction was on solfarm with 500.2K transactions and consisted of 46.9%.

    • The most average of transaction was on marinade finance about 34.22K and consisted of 54%.

      From Solana to chain

    • The highest number of transaction was on fix with 206.5K transactions and consisted of 74.2%.

    • The highest number of users was on fix with 41K users and consisted of 45.4%.

      Per Swap Program

    • The highest number of transaction was on jupiter aggregator v2 with 2.8M transactions and consisted of 84.6%.

    • The highest number of users was on jupiter aggregator v2 with 91.3K users and consisted of 53.1%.

    • The most average of transaction was on jupiter aggregator v2 about 608.7 and consisted of 65.7%.

      From CEX To Solana

    • The highest number of transaction was on fix with 215.7 transactions and consisted of 57.3%.

    • The highest number of users was on coinbase with 58.5K users and consisted of 43%.



    Twitter : hadi3_bgh

    Discord : hadiseb#1688

    Total Users and Transactions Per Defi

    • The highest number of users was on Solend with 15.1K users and consisted of 75.2%.
    • The lowest number of users was on Lido and marinade finance with 20 user and consisted 0.09%.
    • The highest number of transaction was on solfarm with 500.2K transactions and consisted of 46.9%.
    • The lowest number of transaction was on parrot defi finance with 476 transaction .
    • The most average of transaction was on marinade finance about 34.22K and consisted of 54%.
    • The least average of transaction was on parrot defi finance about 111.1 and consisted of 0.17% .
    • The highest number of transaction was 295K on October 12th.
    • The highest number of user was 1903 on October 12th.
    • The most average of transaction was 8.6 on October 13th.

    Average Of Users and Transactions Per Defi

    • The total number transaction before hack was about 33.4K which consisted of 25.1%.
    • The total number transaction after hack was about 99.8K which consisted of 74.9%.
    • The total number user before hack was about 901 which consisted of 41.9%.
    • The total number user after hack was about 1252 which consisted of 58.1%.

    Average Of Users and Transactions From Solana

    • The total Average of transaction before hack was about 12.91K.
    • The total Average of transaction after hack was about 16.29K.
    • Most of transaction was related to fix.
    • The total Average of user before hack was about 4532.
    • The total Average of user after hack was about 4508.
    • Most of users was related to fix.

    Total Users and Transactions From Solana

    • The highest number of transaction was on fix with 206.5K transactions and consisted of 74.2%.

    • The lowest number of transaction was on bitfinex with 299 transaction and consisted of 0.1%.

    • The highest number of users was on fix with 41K users and consisted of 45.4%.

    • The lowest number of users was on bitfinex with 235 user and consisted 0.26%.

    • The highest number of transaction was 22.96K on October 11st.

    • The highest number of user was 10.12K on October 5th.



    Total Users and Transactions From CEX To Solana

    • The highest number of transaction was on fix with 215.7 transactions and consisted of 57.3%.

    • The lowest number of transaction was on bitfinex with 476 transaction which consisted of 0.1%..

    • The highest number of users was on coinbase with 58.5K users and consisted of 43%.

    • The lowest number of users was on bitfinex with 378 user and consisted 0.2%.

    • The highest number of transaction was 507.5K on October 13th.

    • The highest number of user was 8993 on October 2nd.



    Average Of Users and Transactions From CEX to Solana

    • The total Average of transaction before hack was about 19.1K.
    • The total Average of transaction after hack was about 19.1K.
    • Most of transaction was related to fix.
    • The total Average of user before hack was about 7435.
    • The total Average of user after hack was about 6025.
    • Most of users was related to fix.

    Total Users and Transactions Per Swap Program

    • The highest number of transaction was on jupiter aggregator v2 with 2.8M transactions and consisted of 84.6%.
    • The lowest number of transaction was on saber with 693 transaction which consisted of 0.02%..
    • The highest number of users was on jupiter aggregator v2 with 91.3K users and consisted of 53.1%.
    • The lowest number of users was on saber with 456 user and consisted 0.2%.
    • The most average of transaction was on jupiter aggregator v2 about 608.7 and consisted of 65.7%.
    • The least average of transaction was on saber about 28.35 and consisted of 3.6% .
    • The highest number of transaction was 507.5K on October 13th.
    • The highest number of user was 25.2K on October 11st.
    • The most average of transaction was 114.3 on October 13th.

    Average of Users and Transactions Per Swap Program

    • The total Average of transaction before hack was about 157.4K.
    • The total Average of transaction after hack was about 216.6K.
    • Most of transaction was related to jupiter aggregator v2.
    • The total Average of user before hack was about 8234.
    • The total Average of user after hack was about 10.84K.
    • Most of users was related to jupiter aggregator v2.