What Are Users Swapping gALGO3 For?

    Show the number of trades to gALGO3 and from gALGO3 by day? Also chart the volume of trades to gALGO3 and from gALGO3 by day? Are there any notable days? If so, what may have caused this? What DEXes are users swapping gALGO3 on? Show the breakout of number of gALGO3 swaps(to or from) by day for each dex. What are the top 10 most popular to swap from to get gALGO3? What are the top 10 most popular to swap to from gALGO3?


    The chart below shows the daily Total swaps from gALGO3.

    The highest total volume occurred on April 13th2022 and about 183k dollars, and the lowest amount occurred on April 21th was about 10k dollars.

    Daily total swaps from gALGO3 (Amount and average)

    Daily Total swaps from gALGO3 (count and Volume)

    The chart below shows the difference between the total volume of swaps and the total number swaps.

    The highest total volume swaps and also total numbers swaps were on April 13th, 2022, the lowest total volume swaps was on April 8th, 2022, and the lowest total number swaps occured on April 10th, 2022


    Daily Total swaps to gALGO3 (Amount and count)


    Daily total swaps to gALGO3 (count and Volume)


    This chart shows the difference between the total volume of swaps and the total number swaps.

    The highest total volume was about 105K swaps and occurred on April 13th, 2022 , and the lowest total volume swaps was about 4,5K occurred on April 8th, 2022 .

    Also The highest total number swaps was about 116 on April 13th, 2022 , and the lowest total number swaps was about 1 on April 8th, 2022 .



    What is a DEX?

    A decentralized exchange (or DEX) is a peer-to-peer marketplace where transactions occur directly between crypto traders. DEXs fulfill one of crypto’s core possibilities: fostering financial transactions that aren’t officiated by banks, brokers, or any other intermediary. Many popular DEXs, like Uniswap and Sushiwap, run on the Ethereum blockchain.


    Daily total number of swaps (from and to) per DEXs

    This chart shows the total amount of swapped to gALGO3 per DEXs.

    Total amount of swapped from gALGo per DEXs


    The below chart shows the total amount of swapped to gALGO3 per DEXs and the other chart shows the total amount of swapped from gALGO3.

    Share of gALGO3 Volume per DEXs

    The chart below shows the Share of Total volume from swapping gALGO for Tinyman is 87.5% with 1.5M dollars and for Pactfi 12.5% with 215K US dollars.


    Top assets swapped from and to gALGO3


    As these charts show only ALGO can be the top asset swapped from and to gALGO3. Yeildy doesn't have any showable number.