0️⃣LayerZero's Testnet Bridge: Track Your ETH Spending!

    Testnet Bridge is a secure and easy-to-use tool that allows users to swap tokens for native Goerli ETH ($gETH) and bridge them to the Goerli testnet. The bridge is powered by LayerZero's cutting-edge oft technology, which ensures that your transactions are fast, secure, and reliable. This dashboard provides you with a comprehensive overview of Testnet Bridge's performance since launch. You can also track your personal wallet activity on the bridge, including the number of bridges you have made, the amount of $ETH you have bridged, and your rank among the users! To check your activity, go to the 2nd tab and replace your wallet address in the box. Then, click Apply and wait for 2-3 minutes. You will then see a summary of your activity on Testnet Bridge!