HosseinWeekly Sandbox collection transactions
    Updated 2022-12-03
    trunc(block_timestamp, 'week')::date as week,
    count(distinct(tx_hash)) as txn_number,
    count(distinct(tokenid)) as lands_number,
    count(distinct seller_address) as sellers_number,
    count(distinct buyer_address) as purchasers_number,
    txn_number/sellers_number as tx_per_seller,
    txn_number/purchasers_number as tx_per_purchaser,
    sum(price_usd) as volume_usd,
    avg(price_usd) as volume_avg,
    median(price_usd) as volume_median,
    max(price_usd) as volume_max,
    sum(total_fees) as fee_total,
    avg(total_fees) as fee_avg,
    median(total_fees) as fee_median,
    sum(total_fees_usd) as fee_total_usd,
    avg(total_fees_usd) as fee_avg_usd,
    sum(txn_number) over (order by week asc) as txn_number_cum,
    sum(volume_usd) over (order by week asc) as volume_usd_cum,
    sum(lands_number) over (order by week asc) as lands_number_cum
    from ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales
    where block_timestamp::date >= current_date - interval '3 months'
    and nft_address = '0x5cc5b05a8a13e3fbdb0bb9fccd98d38e50f90c38'
    group by 1
    order by 1
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