John_Galt1 yLuna in Reg Staking by Address
    Updated 2022-07-07
    with table1 as (select -------------------------------looks like there might be a few innacuracies here. need to investigate further.
    event_attributes:staker_addr::string as staking_address,
    sum(event_attributes:"1_amount") / pow(10, 6) as in_regular_staking -- into regular staking
    from terra.msg_events
    where event_attributes:"1_contract_address" = 'terra1p7jp8vlt57cf8qwazjg58qngwvarmszsamzaru'
    and event_attributes:"1_action" = 'bond'
    and event_index = 3
    group by 1

    table2 as (select
    event_attributes:staker_addr::string as unstaking_address,
    sum(event_attributes:"0_amount") / pow(10, 6) as out_regular_staking --gone out of regular staking
    from terra.msg_events
    where event_attributes:"0_contract_address" = 'terra1p7jp8vlt57cf8qwazjg58qngwvarmszsamzaru'
    and event_attributes:"0_action" = 'unbond'
    and event_index = 3
    group by 1

    select table1.staking_address, table1.in_regular_staking, table2.out_regular_staking,
    table1.in_regular_staking - COALESCE(table2.out_regular_staking, 0) as remaining_yluna
    from table1
    left outer join table2 on table1.staking_address = table2.unstaking_address
    where remaining_yluna > 5 -----for the sake of the pie graph
    order by remaining_yluna